What I read in 2023

2023! Halfway through the year, I gave birth to my second kid. My 2.5 year old kept us very busy, though we kept him in daycare so while on maternity leave and looking after the new baby I was able to do some multi-tasking and reading. I started the book reviews a bit earlier (something […]

What I read in 2020: Part 2

July -December See first half of the year here (30 other books!). This post has reviews for 21 books. I read a bit less as I got more and more pregnant. For a while I knit instead of reading. For a while I did neither. COVID-19 social distancing/isolation/etc. kept changing up existing routines. Also! Spoilers […]

What I read in 2019

This is my second year doing an annual book review (the first was in 2018, when I read 24)! I read 27 books this year! That is a 16% increase. Though the goal isn’t to read more, it is to read better. If the goal was to read more I’d probably ‘hack’ that goal and […]

How to be Authentic and Make Friends Like a 1930s Housewife

At Christmas of 2018, I was gifted the classic “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. Written in 1936, this book’s title tells you what it aims to help you do.  It was a great read. While there are lessons I learned and beliefs I had reinforced, my favourite part of it […]

What I read in 2018

I have been reading many books the past few years and have decided to start writing up my thoughts on what I’ve read as a summary post. Since I didn’t do this regularly in 2018, some of the ideas in the books I read aren’t as fresh. I’ll try to do the write ups as […]